Resogun is simple but deep, regular but beautiful, short but infinitely long, and above all, a lot of fun. In fact, as it stands, Resogun is the definitive title for PS4 right now.
Read MoreResogun is simple but deep, regular but beautiful, short but infinitely long, and above all, a lot of fun. In fact, as it stands, Resogun is the definitive title for PS4 right now.
Read MoreContrast is a short but fun experience that anyone interested in puzzle-platforming is sure to enjoy, even if just for the novelty of turning into a shadow. Beyond this, I couldn’t recommend solely on the […]
Read MoreKillzone Shadow Fall is a fun first person shooter and a worthy member of the PS4 library. However, beyond its appearance, there isn’t anything astoundingly ‘next-gen’ about it.
Read MoreKnack is a game built on a unique premise with a lot of promise, but the possibilities it inherently implies are never delivered in the final product.
Read MoreTearaway is an incredibly charming adventure game that utilises a lot of interesting mechanics and dynamic gameplay. The mixture of traditional […]
Read MoreRatchet & Clank: Into The Nexus is the game fans, including myself, have been waiting for since 2009; even if it’s less of it than we wanted. Encapsulating the best of the series and improving […]
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