About GameCloud
GameCloud was an independent games media outlet based out of Perth, Western Australia. The project was conceived in 2012 as a web experiment but quickly flourished into an opportunity for local writers to pursue their dream of working in the video game industry. GameCloud was created to recapture a bygone era of games media and was enjoyed by readers worldwide thanks to the dedication of volunteers who worked tirelessly to make the project a success. After countless reviews, articles and interviews, the website was wrapped up in 2019 as the team moved onto new projects.
About Our Reviews
GameCloud reviews use a pros/cons system that is straightforward and structured to clearly reflect our recommendations. At the conclusion of a review, our aim is to summarise our biggest takeaways and tell you if we recommend a game, if a game might not have been for everyone, or whether we do not recommend a game. No numbers, no nonsense. It is simple as it sounds.

Special Thanks
Based in Perth, Western Australia, Will has pursued an interest in both writing and video games his entire life. As the founder of GameCloud, his aim is to create opportunities for local writers and represent Perth in the global video game industry.
A lifelong Perthian, Paddy is a grumpy old man in a sort-of-young body, shaking his virtual cane at the Fortnites and Robloxes of the day. Aside from playing video games, he likes to paint little mans and put pen to paper, which some have described as writing. He doesn't go outside at all anymore.
Nick lives in that part of Perth where there's nothing to do. You know, that barren hilly area with no identifying features and no internet? Yeah, that part. To compensate, he plays games, writes chiptunes, makes videos, and pokes fun at hentai because he can't take anything seriously.
Having travelled across the great oceans, Daniel grew up in Perth and learned the art of gaming. Be it dice and pencil, a controller, or even a keyboard and mouse; there is no game that was not worth it! Daniel is also known to be harsh, but honest, about his love for games.
Lliam has been playing video games since he was a kid and continues to like them a whole bunch. In the perpetual hunt for platinum trophies, he takes no rest, takes no prisoners, and also takes no performance enhancing drugs. He constantly finds himself thinking about and analysing the games he plays, and sometimes he even turns those thoughts into words.
Practically born with a joystick in his hands, Perth-based writer Brendan has seen the best and worst gaming has to offer. Since picking up his first video game magazine as a kid, he knew this was something he wanted to be part of. His favourite things are making Dark Souls and Far Cry 2 jokes on Twitter, while his greatest shame is never owning a Mario game on his SNES.
Shane is a Graphic Designer by day, but by night he’s either throwing uppercuts playing MK3 or watching old films. Video games have been an interest of his since he first unboxed a Sega Mega Drive, and he has since lost many hours and sunlight behind a controller.
Bernadette is living her childhood dream as a freelance writer in Geraldton, WA. With a life-long console habit and a self-imposed MMO ban, she fantasizes about the day when all she'll have to do is game and write. Oh, and also about meeting Link. HYAH!
Tim Sezer is a Perth-based writer. He’s also an avid gamer and an active musician playing bass for Perth Industrial metal band EPIGNOSIS. When he’s not gaming or annoying the neighbors with his noisy hobbies, he’s either checking out bands at local music gigs, hanging out at gaming events or arguing about stuff over the internet. Any positive feedback or hate mail is welcome!
Mary was raised in Perth, playing video games from a young age. As a big fan of JRPGs in particular, Mary enjoys the full experience of playing and the fulfilment received from seeing out a story until its conclusion; being captivated by the graphics and music along the way. With a strong passion for writing also, it was only logical for her to combine these two interests.
Based in Perth, Colton is an aspiring indie developer who developed a passion for making games as well as playing them. Always on the lookout for a good RPG or an artsy indie title, Colton also likes to fill his life with music, grilled cheese sandwiches and '90s pop culture.
RTS Shoutcaster, YouTuber, live streamer and enthusiast. Growing up back in the golden era of RTS games Callum has stuck with them ever since. Hoping that one day RTS will become cool again, he continues to play, shoutcast, critique and explore competitive multiplayer RTS games.
Mitchell "Mugz" Fowler is a guy who lives in Broome, Western Australia, who plays video games very badly, then swears at them. You can read some of that swearing here. When not playing video games, Mugz can be found unapologetically holding down and bloodily ripping off Yahtzee Croshaw.
Terina grew up in WA and moved to Perth in 2010 for her university studies. She has been gaming since she can remember, thanks to her dad and siblings also loving games. Academia has given her a love of analysing things. Extensively.
When not patting cats, eating excessive amounts of fruit, and failing the Battlefield 4 tutorial, Ellis spends most of her time cycling around the inner west of Sydney and blatantly disregarding Professor Oak’s words of advice.
From Doctor Who to WWE, if it’s pop culture related then Blade’s addicted to it with an infectious passion. Having been a gamer since knee height, Blade is looking to continue the marriage between his love of all things nerd and his wallet.
Born and raised in Perth, Danielle is currently studying games design at university. When she is not studying how a video game’s story or characters are made, she enjoys the comforts of a cat on her lap while playing video games, and then talking about them for the next two hours. She also enjoys the sun, as long as her fair gamer skin doesn’t get burnt.
A fond reader of PC Format in the early 90s, Rohan has a background in graphics and is an active musician in his home town of Perth. With a penchant for narrative-based adventure, fighting games and the casual multiplayer space, he has a particular reverence for the dual aesthetic and technical challenges faced by indie developers and those charged to do 'more with less.'
Jayde finds it weird to write about herself in third person but will give it the old college try. She loves all kinds of games; video, board, card and tabletop. As well as all things superhero (but especially Marvel), and her cat; Felicia Hardy. Yep, she’s one of those.
Hailing from the wastelands of rural New Zealand, formerly a resident of Perth, Alex is a writer and YouTuber in between training as a tradesman and being a Dad. The rest of the time he'll prattle on to any one who'll listen about the ethics of games as a business, as well as its importance as an expressive outlet.
Cheerfully living in fictional worlds more than he actually lives in Perth, Kit is an artist, game designer and all-round weirdo with very colourful hair. Growing up with Nintendo and PCs, he also loves LEGO, rainy days, reading books, energy drinks and recognizes Terry Crews as his spirit animal.
Ben loves to overthink every thing he can, which is useful to most of his hobbies, including video games, particularly the puzzle genre, board games, and philosophical discussions with whoever will engage in them. It is much less useful in practically every other facet of his life.
While Brendan will try and convince you that his interests include long, solemn walks on the beach and romantic dinners involving boulette d'avesnes, religieuse au chocolat and $300 bottles of chardonnay, he’s actually deeply involved with retro gaming on YouTube and is also a wannabe game developer. Don’t let his nonsense sway you.
Connor is a writer and researcher, formerly of Perth and currently based in Canberra. He likes coffee, adventure games, poetry, twitchy platformers, bread and all bread-based and breadlike foods, history, science and technology, mediocre sitcoms, professional Starcraft tournaments, and movies where the actors play themselves. He once beat FTL on easy.
Dan is a freelance writer and lifelong nerd hailing from Sydney, where he spends majority of his time drinking coffee and yelling about soccer. Storytelling is his great passion, and he hopes to tell stories of his own one day. With dwarves and dragons and stuff.
Living in Perth, Harry is an aspiring games journalist. When he isn't hanging out with friends, Harry can always be found on his PC or one of his many game consoles, reading comics, and watching movies. Mostly gaming though.
Ken works in a commercial role in technology procurement. Since young, he’s always dreamed of writing about video games. It only took him more than two decades to fulfil that childhood dream. Game on.
Ellen is an aspiring teacher, as well as a coffee-fueled gaming addict. When she’s not combing the beach with her dog Zero, she’s escaping reality with her Oculus Rift. She thinks that VR gaming is the way forward, and the closest she’ll ever get to being a Jedi Master.