Horror as a form of entertainment is an unorthodox yet fascinating construct. It’s a genre people tend to love or hate, especially so when it comes to video games given their participatory nature. However, for […]
Read MoreHorror as a form of entertainment is an unorthodox yet fascinating construct. It’s a genre people tend to love or hate, especially so when it comes to video games given their participatory nature. However, for […]
Read MoreIt could already be argued that 2017 has been one of the best years in gaming in a very long time – if not one of the best of all time! – and we're only at the half way mark with countless promising titles still on the horizon. However, before we move forward, we [...]
Read MoreWhile there might not have been a lot of bombshell announcements dropped during this year’s E3, there definitely wasn’t a shortage of great looking games to whet our appetite for what’s to come in the next 12 months and beyond. As with tradition, […]
Read MoreRakuen is a beautiful story about a sick boy and his Mum, who, together, travel to a fantasy world so he can make a wish. To do this, however, he’ll first have to make new […]
Read MorePersona 5 is literally the only time I’ve ever gone into a game with ridiculously high expectations and not walked away disappointed. I admit I wasn’t expecting Atlus to reinvent the wheel (nor did I […]
Read MoreI can’t tell you how good it feels to recommend a Yoko Taro game without first apologising for all of the shortcomings you must work through to appreciate its brilliance. By combining his out there […]
Read MoreI’ll say this about Capcom: they’ve got guts. If you had told me this time last year Resident Evil was going to reinvent itself again and make a huge comeback, I probably would have laughed. […]
Read More2017, you magnificent looking bastard. Talk about an exciting line-up of games! This is the year where tonnes of long-anticipated titles are finally making their official release (e.g. Breath of the Wild, Horizon: Zero Dawn), not to mention Japan is garnering [...]
Read More2016 was a pretty great year for video games, despite the fact it also allegedly beat most of the human race into a bloody pulp in basically every conceivable way possible (as confirmed by social media). […]
Read More2016 has been a surprisingly excellent year for games, with so many outstanding titles released in the last 12 months that even collectively we can only shine our spotlight on a fraction of what deserves […]
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