After six amazing years, the time has finally come to say goodbye. To all of our readers, thank you for everything. It's been one hell of a ride! [...]
Read MoreAfter six amazing years, the time has finally come to say goodbye. To all of our readers, thank you for everything. It's been one hell of a ride! [...]
Read More2019 is already stacked with an amazing line-up of games, and we couldn't be more excited to discuss a just a few of our most anticipated [...]
Read MoreThere have been countless great games released over the generations, but what truly defines a game as being "one of the greats"? [...]
Read MoreE3 2018 was a bit of a mixed bag, but there are still lots of exciting games to look forward to in the years ahead. Here's a few which stood out to us [...]
Read MoreTo celebrate the one year anniversary of the Nintendo Switch, the GameCloud team share their picks for some of the best Nintendo games of all time [...]
Read More2018 is shaping up to be another incredible year for gaming! Here are just some of the games we're looking forward to getting our hands on this year [...]
Read More2017, what a year for the video game industry! There have been so many A+ releases that it surely has to be one of the best years in gaming [...]
Read MoreIt seems that the indie area of the expo floor at PAX Aus gets bigger every year, and this year was no exception with sixty games on show. Some of these titles were chosen because of their unique ideas and exceptionally well-executed mechanics. Others [...]
Read MoreIt could already be argued that 2017 has been one of the best years in gaming in a very long time – if not one of the best of all time! – and we're only at the half way mark with countless promising titles still on the horizon. However, before we move forward, we [...]
Read MoreWhile there might not have been a lot of bombshell announcements dropped during this year’s E3, there definitely wasn’t a shortage of great looking games to whet our appetite for what’s to come in the next 12 months and beyond. As with tradition, […]
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