The Australian OFLC has reared it’s ugly head and proven, once again, just how out of touch it’s members are with the modern world by refusing classification for Saints Row IV, a decision which, unfortunately, likely surprises no one familiar with the Classification Boards history.

Hey Australia! What’s going on in here? Fun? Not Anymore.
However, this victory was short lived as yesterday Mr. Donald McDonald, the Acting Director of the OFLC, made the following statement in press release regarding the release of Saints Row IV:
This argument is awfully similar to those used before the R18+ rating existed, when games had to be tailored to be appropriate for teenaged audiences, and therein lies the rub: The reasoning behind this decision seems to imply that either the Classification Board believes every Australian adult cannot decide for themselves what is and isn’t appropriate content, and must have this decision made for them, or that we all have the susceptibility of a five year old who has just seen an episode of Batman and is now falling from the roof with a cape made from his mum’s good bed linen. In truth it might very well be both, but the Classification Board is still allowing developer Volition Inc. to rework the code in order to fit the Board’s delicate sensibilities and ensure that it’s moral enough to fit Australia’s (apparent) standards, it’s interesting to note that the game has remained unchanged for both North American and European audiences. Which raises the question: Why does Australian government oppose so rigidly to content no one else seems to have a problem with?

“Saints Row IV is clearly a psychological gateway for mentally sound people to go out and commit crime!”
Whatever the reasoning, there is an upshot to all of this: Reclassification is not the same as “banned”. So for any gamers who object to having someone else decide for them what should be seen as good and bad, that still wish to experience the uncensored version of the game, importing is still an option, and this whacked-out, drugged up, psychotically violent gamer certainly intends to.