Let’s be honest, when it comes to gaming, 2014 has seen its fair share of disappointment. There were blockbuster titles, such as Watch Dogs and Destiny, that promised to revolutionise the “next generation” of gaming […]
Read MoreLet’s be honest, when it comes to gaming, 2014 has seen its fair share of disappointment. There were blockbuster titles, such as Watch Dogs and Destiny, that promised to revolutionise the “next generation” of gaming […]
Read MorePseudonyms are a strange thing to think about because, nowadays, they're just so... Normal. If you play any game online, you're not [...]
Read MoreI remember the one kid in my town who owned a Sega Saturn. I only visited his house a couple of times in my youth; so, while he was a pretty die-hard Sega fan, I […]
Read MoreThis might be the most unsupported assumption ever made, but I’m willing to bet that a lot of you reading this article either no longer own Destiny or have it buried under the recent avalanche […]
Read MoreWe’re considering some of the coolest and most interesting content Nintendo could add to Mario Kart 8. They’ve opened the floodgates [...]
Read MoreThe announcement of Mario Kart 8’s first two DLC packs presented a new frontier of opportunities. On top of new and returning Mario Kart courses and racers, we get stuff from Zelda, Animal Crossing, Excitebike, […]
Read MoreLast week, FTI (The Film and Television Institute of WA, FYI) released the results of their WA games industry scoping survey. Naturally, I wanted to write a piece on it (this one, specifically) because it […]
Read MoreLet’s do a quick re-cap of everything we know: Once upon a time, there was a scientist by the name of Elvin Gadd, who loved his girlfriend Pauline very much. One day, a fully grown […]
Read MoreIn recent years, the underground scene of eSports has taken The West by the collar and shoryuken’d the living crap out of it. Once the realm of dedicated Quake and Counter-Strike players, eSports has become […]
Read MoreMirror, mirror, on the wall, why are cutscenes so banal? I just can't see why they're great, when all they do is irritate; They appear in every triple [...]
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