After six amazing years, the time has finally come to say goodbye. To all of our readers, thank you for everything. It's been one hell of a ride! [...]
Read MoreAfter six amazing years, the time has finally come to say goodbye. To all of our readers, thank you for everything. It's been one hell of a ride! [...]
Read MoreWarhammer Fantasy has been living on despite its apparent apocalypse, both in the hearts and minds of players of the tabletop and in video game form. Indeed, it seems the Ending of the World That […]
Read MoreIt’s no secret that both BioWare and EA are on thin ice with fans at the moment. Whether it be greedy business practices or unfinished games rushed to release, there are plenty of reasons to […]
Read More2019 is already stacked with an amazing line-up of games, and we couldn't be more excited to discuss a just a few of our most anticipated [...]
Read More2018 was a pretty great year for games, but it wasn’t without its pitfalls. In a day and age when the industry is as large as it is, singling out the worst games for us […]
Read MoreI’ve recently been having some fun with the closed beta of an indie game called Batalj (pronounced Batal-ee.) Real-time strategy games [...]
Read MoreSupergiant Games are alright in my book. Bastion and Transistor were excellent games and musical masterpieces, and Pyre sure was a thing [...]
Read MoreThere have been countless great games released over the generations, but what truly defines a game as being "one of the greats"? [...]
Read MoreI have reserved feelings about the notion of early access titles. The more criminal elements of my imagination see it as little more than a liability for leaving over-eager consumers both penniless and largely unsatisfied […]
Read MoreFor those not aware, Battlefleet Gothic: Armada is an adaptation of the tabletop spin-off game from 40K, which saw big fleets of ships [...]
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