The PAX showfloor is usually dominated by fantasy games set in a medieval or space context. One game looked to encapsulate a different fantasy – every parent’s worst nightmare. Think of the Children from Jammed […]
Read MoreThe PAX showfloor is usually dominated by fantasy games set in a medieval or space context. One game looked to encapsulate a different fantasy – every parent’s worst nightmare. Think of the Children from Jammed […]
Read MoreIt seems that the indie area of the expo floor at PAX Aus gets bigger every year, and this year was no exception with sixty games on show. Some of these titles were chosen because of their unique ideas and exceptionally well-executed mechanics. Others [...]
Read MoreHorror as a form of entertainment is an unorthodox yet fascinating construct. It’s a genre people tend to love or hate, especially so when it comes to video games given their participatory nature. However, for […]
Read MoreHere’s something people often don’t like to admit: Call of Duty is fun. Sure, Ghosts and Modern Warfare 3 were utter garbage and deserved to be named so, but every other entry has a redeeming […]
Read MoreAs many of you know, we at GameCloud are a proudly Western Australian outfit, so it should come as no surprise that we were especially stoked when we heard that the new Battlestar Galactica game […]
Read MoreDragon Ball FighterZ looks set to be the best Dragon Ball game in a long time, but I’ve definitely been let down before. How well the final game teaches [...]
Read MoreAt some point in time, mainstream media gave up on the innocent girl next door trope and decided it would be better if we began to question whether our neighbour’s trimmer was more commonly used […]
Read MoreLet’s play a game. Open up the Wikipedia page for the Lynx constellation. You need to navigate to the page for the 1995 film Babe in as few clicks as possible without leaving the site. […]
Read MoreThe original Life is Strange is admittedly a series I played quite late. I was never pulled towards it when it came out despite all the positive press and my undying love for Telltale-style games. […]
Read MoreI wanted to have an in-depth first look at The Pillars of the Earth, mostly because it triggered something in my dusty memory banks. It wasn’t until the brief description mentioned it is based on […]
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